In summary, 77 small to medium sized forestation and restoration projects have been onboarded already across over 20 countries, with 70+ more committed for near term. Geographic footprint is global across primarily the Global South where restoration needs are greatest.

To view more data on the onboarded projects, please access the OFP Atlas platform here >>
In pipeline

On boarded
Number of Projects
- 77 projects onboarded as of September 2023
- 70+ additional projects committed for onboarding in near future
Average Project Size
- Most projects currently in smallholder range <100 hectares
- Large project pipeline represents 91,000+ total hectares
- Projects span over 20 countries in Africa, South America, Central America, Europe, and Asia
- Leading countries are:
- Kenya - 9 projects
- India - 7 projects
- Brazil - 7 projects
- Colombia - 6 projects
- Uganda - 5 projects
Project Profiles

To view more data on the onboarded projects, please access the OFP Atlas platform here >>